Discovering Central Victoria’s Goldfields (ebook)
Author: Dorothy Wickham
$11.00 inc GST

Maps, photos and much much more! Part One gives hints on how to search for gold diggers in the Central Goldfields of Victoria, an overview of the Victorian Goldfields and includes a Goldfields Timeline as well as a list of the official discoverers of payable gold.
Part Two gives a selection of records pertaining to the Central Highlands of Victoria. These are under the headings: Cemeteries, Charity, Churches, Courts, Education, Friendly Societies and Lodges, Health, Land and Street Directories, Land, Rate Books, Land Residence Areas, Local Government, Mining, and Newspapers. Many outstanding examples of records and where to find them.
Part Three gives an alphabetical list of historical, genealogical societies, museums, and other helpful organisations in the region.
A “must” for family historians researching their ancestors! New ideas and unusual records to search!!