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Directors Dr Dorothy Wickham, Clare Gervasoni and Wayne Phillipson established Ballarat Heritage Services, in February 1998, a boutique publishing house  using the imprint BHS Publishing.

Our team of experts now include professional historians, archivists, curators, family historians and educationalists. BHS offers an extensive range of heritage and education related services including consultancy, publishing, mentoring, training and assistance, and oral histories.

Ballarat Heritage Services
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Villa Parma Ps 1024

Villa Parma, Gardens and Chestnuts

Villa Parma, Gardens and Chestnuts   Clare Gervasoni   The early Swiss and Italian settlers of the Hepburn Springs area...

Ballarat: A Genealogist’s Goldmine

Ballarat: A Genealogist's Goldmine   Dorothy Wickham Ballarat is an important town for many family historians If you have ancestry...
Memorial at Vire, Normandy, France, Photograph Dorothy Wickham

Vire, Normandy

Memorial at Vire, Normandy Vire, Normandy, France   Dorothy Wickham   “If I sleep for an...